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Engage in dancing matches with other players.

Dance on your own to build your skills.

Customize your avatar by buying new costumes and hairstyles from the shop.
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Engage in dancing matches with other players.

Dance on your own to build your skills.

Customize your avatar by buying new costumes and hairstyles from the shop.

If you like to dance, or at least play dancing games, then you should give 5Street a try. Don’t worry, because it’s for free. You don’t have to shell out money in order to gain access to the game. All you need is just an account at the publisher’s website, a copy of the client installer and you’re all set.

If you’ve already played previous games from Play Snail, then there’s no need to register for a new account. You just need to visit the game’s Page on Play Snail’s website, and download the installer from there. You’d have to wait a bit - the client is 6GB in size.

After the download is done, download the installer files via WinZip (or any other archiving software), and then do the install from the folder where the extracted files were transferred.

This is where the fun begins!

The client will ask you to log in to your account first. After you’re done, your first task is to create a look for your avatar. There are plenty of customization options in here. Aside from the gender, you can also customize the hairstyle of your character as well as the appearance of his or her face. There is even one hilarious option where you can equip your character with wide, anime-like eyes.

The amazing part, however, in customizing your avatar is when you find that you have the power to customize his or her anatomy. Yes, you can adjust the avatar’s height, the length of his or her arms, the difference between the torso and the lower part of the body, etc.

Take your time in this step, if you really want to go all-out with personalizing your avatar according to your preferences. Once you’re done, it’s time to move on to the tutorial.

The tutorial itself summarizes all the experiences that you can expect from 5Street. To dance, you will need to press the right sequence of directional buttons before the slider reaches the glowing part in the gauge above the buttons. You’ll have to press the Space button at that point, but also before the slider goes past.

The number of buttons you’ll have to press depends on the level you’re currently at. You start with Level 1, which has only one up to two buttons for you to press. The more combinations you correctly press and at the right timing, the higher your level becomes and the more buttons you’ll have to press.

The speed at which the slider moves also depends on the tempo of the song that you’re currently dancing to.

At the end of each song, you’re given your score.

You can then go out and dance in the “real world” of 5Street after the tutorial. You can either dance solo, or you can join the dance arena where you can compete with other players. You can win experience points and new items you can dress or equip your avatar with.

All of this is in excellent three-dimensional imagery. It’s all for free so what are you waiting for? Play 5Street now!

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